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Work in hotel

Attention Dear applicants !
We are glad to announce that we are opening at 5 app hotels in Antalya !
5  ️ club MEGA SARAY hotel INVITES guests to work
energetic, positive, active, hardworking people for the season 2020 !
Having settled in this hotel you will have the opportunity to work and relax on the beach 8-9 months !
We invite you to work :
Required with good knowledge of foreign languages 
(Russian, English, Turkish, German / min. 2 language) 
 Receptionist (girls from 18 to 26 years old)
Guest Manager (girls from 18 to 26 years old)
 Hostess (girls from 18 to 26 years old)

Required with conversational level of foreign languages
(Russian, English, Turkish, German / min. 1 language)
 Service and Bar (guys, girls from 18 to 26 years)

Required with elementary level of foreign languages 
(Russian, Turkish / min. 1 language) 
 Maids (women from 25 to 45 years old)
 Dishwashers, Janitors (men from 25 to 45 years)

Salary this year from $ 400 (depends on the exchange rate)
Departure from 15.02.2020 to 15.03.2020
Arrival not earlier than 01.11.2020

All interested persons are welcome to register until 23.11.2019 !

To register, you must : 
 Photo 5x6 (4 pieces of white background)
 Photo 10x15 (1 pieces classic style)
 A Photocopy Of The Passport 
The interview with the representatives of the hotel will be at the end of November!

For detailed information:
Address: Tashkent city. 16 sh. Rashidov street, Poytakht business center”
Reference Point: Mustakillik Square.
 I +998955154455
 I +998955144455
 I +998953404455
Services are licensed

Work in hotel

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